Mar 21, 2015 | Spiritual Processes | 32,031 views
Almost every process I describe in this blog comes down to one thing: focus. Focus is what creates manifestation. Everything you see around you was because someone at some point, focused long enough to make it manifest. The earth, the planets, everything....
Mar 21, 2015 | Spiritual Processes | 13,592 views
Overcoming Crisis by Becoming Your Own Best Friend There are times when we feel so down that none of the processes in our Spiritual Toolbox work. You try a Focus Wheel and you can’t even start it. You try The Piece Alignment Process and nothing shifts. It happens, and...
Dec 29, 2014 | Spiritual Processes | 28,557 views
Pre-paving is mental planning. It’s a hugely effective and simple process, presented by Abraham-Hicks, that increases the chances of an event going the way you want. I use it often and highly recommend it. It works close to 100 percent of the time! Pre-Paving Is More...
Dec 29, 2014 | Health, Spiritual Processes | 33,992 views
I realize this may be a touchy subject. So many people are affected by cancer, either directly or through friends and family who have suffered from it. Cancer kills fewer people than heart disease but it generates a lot more fear. Why Is Cancer So Scary? It’s not just...
Dec 29, 2014 | Spiritual Processes, Vibration | 31,201 views
Whenever we think someone has done us wrong, our first response is usually blame. It’s easier and feels better than taking responsibility. Blame is higher in the Emotional Scale given to us by Abraham-Hicks than responsibility and even anger. It’s our first stop when...
Jul 8, 2014 | Spiritual Processes | 19,083 views
Hot buttons, also known as “triggers,” are those pieces in us that react to people or situations in a less than favorable way. If we are not aware of them (or if we are aware of them but don’t take the time to neutralize them) they can make us miserable and affect our...