Jun 2, 2014 | Spiritual Processes | 14,234 views
I wasn’t aware of my how my surroundings were affecting me until about ten years ago. I had just started a new business called LookBetterOnline.com and was putting a tremendous amount of effort and time into it — without much return. I knew something was stuck with...
Oct 15, 2013 | Health, Meditations, Spiritual Processes | 53,656 views
In my last blog post I presented the concept of eating while being in alignment. I explained how food can either benefit or harm your body based on how aligned you are with eating it. Being ultra-aware of your thoughts before you eat can be a challenge. We don’t...
Jul 2, 2013 | Health, Spiritual Processes | 52,473 views
We like to pigeonhole things. We like to make order, create categories, define things as good or bad. Usually, that’s fine. But when it comes to food and diet, we’ve taken this categorization to an extreme level. We’re always looking for the “perfect diet,” the one...
Jul 1, 2013 | Health | 278,787 views
I’ve recently done the Liver Cleanse based on the information in the book The Amazing Liver & Gallbladder Flush. The success of my first liver flush made me curious about the Author Andreas Moritz. I found he’s written quite a few interesting books and is...
Jan 13, 2013 | Spiritual Processes | 19,240 views
A few months ago I had a rough few days. A bit of careless acupuncture with a very large needle triggered a hormonal imbalance. I’m normally pretty even-keeled and emotionally stable so feeling this out-of-balance was very unusual and very uncomfortable. As well as...
Jan 2, 2013 | Spiritual Processes | 126,826 views
Many gurus, spiritual teachers and those popular spirituality images on Facebook say you should forgive those you feel have wronged you. They say it’s healthier to forgive than to keep the anger and resentment locked up inside. They say that not forgiving will make...
Dec 27, 2012 | Spiritual Processes | 1,070,060 views
The Focus Wheel Process was presented by Abraham-Hicks. The purpose is to shift your vibration about a topic to a higher point so that you: Feel better, immediately; Change your point of attraction; Manifest what you want. Over the years I’ve done hundreds of focus...
Dec 21, 2012 | Spiritual Processes | 37,174 views
Integrating aspects is an extremely powerful process given to me by Kerri Finnecy. The idea is that every negative emotion we feel is an aspect of us that is currently not in alignment with our higher self (or our I AM/soul), or which has been separated from us. To...