PSYCH-K is a series of protocols (or “balances”) that in their simplest forms relieve stress and enable the changing of subconscious beliefs.
Every once in a while, I stumble on (or attract) new information that blows me away. When I watched “The Secret Behind The Secret,” which was the first time I ever saw Abraham-Hicks speak, my jaw dropped. I knew that this knowledge was going to transform my life. Abraham has been my favorite teacher ever since and has completely changed my life for the better.
I had a similar reaction when I watched The “Psychology of Change,” by Rob Williams, the originator of PSYCH-K. Like Esther Hicks, Rob Williams channeled the information about PSYCH-K. Unlike Esther Hicks, Rob didn’t stand before audiences and channel the information live. As a therapist, he started applying his knowledge with his clients. It was only after he saw huge success with them that he started teaching PSYCH-K, certifying other instructors to teach it all over the world.
Why You Have Probably Never Heard Of PSYCH-K
Most people hear about PSYCH-K through Dr. Bruce Lipton, author of “The Biology of Belief.” His book “The Honeymoon Effect” mentions PSYCH-K as his favorite method of changing subconscious beliefs. But because only certified instructors are allowed to teach it, PSYCH-K has mostly stayed under the radar. Learning PSYCH-K requires taking a basic workshop. (You can find a list of workshops here.) While this ensures that PSYCH-K is kept in its original form, it also limits the number of people exposed to it.
So What Is PSYCH-K?
PSYCH-K is a series of protocols (or “balances”) that in their simplest forms relieve stress and enable the changing of subconscious beliefs. In their more complicated forms, they help to heal relationships and clear the trauma of birth, future death and much more.
Changing Subconscious Beliefs
Although our subconscious is said to determine 95 percent of our reality, it’s often ignored by mainstream self-help teachers. They tell us to do affirmations all day long, reach a “better feeling place,” do vision boards and meditate, write down our goals and hang them in a visible place, and so on.
That’s fine but how effective is it? In my last blog post, I described the Vibrational Soup and concluded that work on the conscious mind alone is often not enough. PSYCH-K, I suggested, can easily help you change your subconscious beliefs.
The PSYCH-K Balances
PSYCH-K balances are protocols that help you achieve a goal. All the PSYCH-K balances have the same start and finish but the middle, where the change is made, all differ:
- Step 1: Establish communication with the subconscious.
- Step 2: Ask for permission and commitment from the super-conscious.
- Step 3: Make the change.
- Step 4: Save the change.
- Step 5: Celebrate.
Muscle Testing
Everything in PSYCH-K, from establishing communication with the subconscious mind to testing a belief statement and determining which balance to use to make the change, is performed with muscle testing.
What Is Muscle Testing?

Muscle testing is widely used in alternative medicine to provide easy access to subconscious information.
Muscle testing is widely used in alternative medicine to provide easy access to subconscious information. Often, the facilitator will press on the arm of the subject. A strong response will cause the arm to stay up; a weak response will force the arm down.
The idea is that our inner being or higher self knows things that we don’t consciously understand. During a muscle test, our body’s nervous system reacts and reveals that information. For example, if someone who is gluten-intolerant holds a piece of bread, their muscle test will produce a weak response.
Muscle testing is also used to determine true/false statements. True statements provoke strong responses; false statements will generate a weak response.
Muscle Testing For PSYCH-K
There are many ways to do muscle testing and it’s used for a range of different purposes. During PSYCH-K, muscle testing is usually a truth test. A subject will make a belief statement, such as “It’s easy for me to make money,” and take a muscle test.
If the response is strong, the subconscious agrees. If the response is weak, the subconscious disagrees—and a PSYCH-K balance will be an easy way to change the subconscious and deliver a strong response.
A Whole Brain State

The Whole Brain State occurs when both halves of the brain are communicating and in sync with each other.
The reason that PSYCH-K can so easily change the subconscious mind is that the change is performed when the person is in a Whole Brain State.The Whole Brain State occurs when both halves of the brain are communicating and in sync with each other.
PSYCH-K balances first put you into a Whole Brain State before attempting to make a change. Once in that state, the change to the subconscious is simple, fast and everlasting. So for example, if you receive a weak response for “money comes easily to me”, you would perform one of a number of possible PSYCH-K balances. The response would change from weak to strong in a matter of minutes or seconds. With your subconscious mind now agreeing with this belief, your reality will change.
Your Beliefs Create Your Reality
To understand how subconscious beliefs affect reality, I recommend that you watch this video in which Dr. Bruce Lipton explains the Biology of Belief. This dynamic presentation will leave you amazed:
You should also watch this video of Rob Williams, originator of PSYCH-K, explaining the Psychology of Change and performing a live demonstration of a PSYCH-K balance. It’s incredible stuff:
PSYCH-K is a powerful and easy way to make changes to your subconscious. I recommend you sign up to a PSYCH-K basic workshop. You will have the basic tools you need to make an everlasting change to your own and to others’ subconscious beliefs.
Hi Merav,
You have a enormous amount of information here about Psych-K. I must say that you’ve done a great job in writing this post and giving useful links inside your article.
I think it could add value and help your readers if you can also add a link to this post http://subconsciouschange.com/what-is-psych-k/what-it-is-what-its-not/, which contain additional information and explanation about Psych-K from Karen McKy.
Best Regards,
Hi Morav, I am a follower of Abraham Hicks and also always on the lookout for new ways to change my life for the better. I have found EFT Tapping extremely beneficial. You might want to look into it. thetappingsolution.com.
Hey Stacey, I have looked into EFT years ago and it didn’t resonate with me, but I know a lot of people love it! I think people should use whatever tool they like 🙂
Great information! Thank you so much for sharing!!
There is a lot of free content available, on youtube and the web in general. Subliminal recordings, hipnosis and recorded affirmations and recordings with specific brainwaves. It is up to you to find it and apply it.
its real work
What do you do if you don’t have 1000$ to take a basic workshop? I’m not saying I’m skeptical because I do believe it works and I really think Bruce Lipton knows what he’s talking about so I’m inclined to trust him when he says that it’s effective. My problem is that I’m an independent musician and I barely scrape by financially as it is so having 1000$ to spend on something like a Psych-K workshop seems fairly unlikely. I do understand that my thinking it’s not possible to have the monetary abundance needed to spend 1000$ on a workshop is likely limiting me financially- thus creating a sort of vicious cycle of poverty- but I’m not really sure how to alter that without using something like Psych-K. I’m not somebody who believes that everyone should give everything away for free as this certainly has value but coming from a place of rather extreme poverty by first world standards, it seems a bit unattainable, I guess. I think I’ve kind of pieced together how to do it from what’s available on YouTube, and will likely try it on myself and see what happens.
Can you send the title’s of the YouTube videos on how to do it. For, $1000.00 is too much for myself to pay and more likely unattainable to most.
There are no videos that explain how to do PSYCH-K…the only way is to take their course…sorry but that’s how they do it…
Do you have any workshops in South Florida
HI really informative webpage. I do not have facebook so i couldn’t email you directly. Would you contact, as I have a request. Thank you
Do you do phone or skype interviews?
Please contact me via my facebook page…thanks! https://www.facebook.com/meravknafo
This is so amazing! Do you find that doing this techqnique by learning it and applying it yourself has the same effect as a professional practitioner doing it on you? Or does it not matter?
I took all their courses so I learned to do it with myself, so for me, doing it by myself works great. If you can take their courses, you’ll be able to do it on your own, and I think it’s more satisfying.