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We should be doing whatever we can to eliminate stress.

We should be doing whatever we can to eliminate stress.

Stress has a huge influence on our well-being, our physical health and our mental health. It makes us look and feel older—and there’s even a direct connection between stress and cancer.

We should be doing whatever we can to eliminate stress. A few of the processes I’ve described— Focus Wheel, Piece Alignment and even Forgiveness Prayers—can all successfully reduce stress levels. But the most powerful process for eliminating stress I’ve found so far is PSYCH-K’s “Stress Releases,” or “Distress Resolution”.

PSYCH-K – More Than Belief Change

PSYCH-K is known mainly for changing subconscious beliefs. But these the two basic PSYCH-K balances can also release stress and eliminate the effects of trauma:

  • The New Direction Balance
  • The Resolution Balance

Both balances are extremely effective. Muscle testing will let you determine which is the best to use each time you need to release stress.

The Aim Of A Stress Release

The goal of a Stress Release is always to transform the stress into “peace, un-attachment, forgiveness and acceptance”. Keep that aim in mind when you do a stress release as intention plays a very important role in everything you do, and especially in PSYCH-K.

The New Direction Balance For Stress Release

During a New Direction Balance you will be in a Whole Brain State. You’ll remember or think about the stressful event or trauma from your past, present—and even the future.

During a New Direction Balance you will be in a Whole Brain State. You’ll remember or think about the stressful event or trauma from your past, present—and even the future.

If you’ve seen Rob Williams’ video “The Psychology of Change,” you’ll have seen him demonstrating the New Direction Balance for belief change. The same processes can be used to eliminate stress.

During a New Direction Balance you will be in a Whole Brain State. You’ll remember or think about the stressful event or trauma from your past, present—and even the future.

The feeling may be uncomfortable for a while but the more you think about the event, the more the charge dissipates to the point of non-existence. You’ll feel the stress powering down.

The facilitator’s job is to check in with the person from time to time to make sure that they examine the event from every possible angle and leave no source of stress without resolution.

Stress Release For A Rape Victim, 34, Using New Direction Balance

I once performed stress release for a 34-year-old woman who had been raped at the age of five. The stress and trauma of the event prevented her from having successful relationships with men. She avoided becoming too intimate with them and always terminated the relationship early.

I did a stress release balance with her using the New Direction Balance. I guided her into a Whole Brain State then asked her to think about the rape: how she felt, the memory of her rapist, how he looked, how it felt. She frowned as she recalled the trauma and occasionally I  interrupted her to make sure she was examining the event in its entirety. I asked her to think about her mom’s reaction when she told her. (Her mom didn’t believe her.) I asked her to consider how the event affected her relationship with men. I encouraged her to think about the rape from as many angles as possible while she was in a Whole Brain State.

As she was going through this processes, her frown turned into a smile.

After about 45 minutes, I asked her how she was feeling. She said no longer felt a charge and could not tap into the stress. She felt forgiveness towards her abuser and towards her mom. Her stress had been released and hopefully she will now have no problem maintaining an intimate relationship with a partner.

That’s the difference between bringing up stress when in a Whole Brain State instead of a regular state.

The Law of Attraction teaches that focusing on something unwanted brings more of it. Focus on something stressful and you will activate the stress and increase it or bring similar vibrational stresses and events. But when you focus on stress in a Whole Brain State, with the intention of transforming the stress into “peace, un-attachment, forgiveness and acceptance”, instead of the stress growing, it shrinks and disappears. This is truly an incredible process.

The amount of time needed to remove the stress can vary from five minutes to 90 minutes and even more depending on the amount of stress present and the number of the event’s angles you need to bring up.

The Resolution Balance For Stress Release

Another excellent PSYCH-K balance used for stress release is the Resolution Balance.

In this balance, you don’t even need to bring up the painful memory. That can be very useful when the event is so traumatic it always creates a very strong negative reaction. Muscle Testing will determine which balance is the best; your super-conscious will know.

The Process

Visualize your right hand holding the right hemisphere of your head and the left hand holding the left hemisphere. Let your hands come together on their own then bring them to your heart and save the change.

Let your hands come together on their own then bring them to your heart and save the change.

During Resolution Balance, you will be placed in a Whole Brain State, standing with your eyes closed and arms wide open. Visualize your right hand holding the right hemisphere of your head and the left hand holding the left hemisphere. Let your hands come together on their own then bring them to your heart and save the change.

You may find that your hands remain fixed in one place for a while or start moving forward or backwards. They find their own path. The  whole process can take anywhere between a few seconds and as long as fifteen to twenty minutes.

It’s a fascinating and effective process because your hands really do move on their own, without any conscious effort. And the feeling you get when the hands come together is of calm and love.

Stress Release For A Rape Victim, 55, Using Resolution Balance

This woman was raped twice: at the age of 19, and again aged 53. Naturally, she was traumatized by both events. I performed a Stress Release with her using the Resolution Balance. As she focused on the event, her feelings overwhelmed her. She sobbed and became very upset so I stepped back and brought in her friend, who was also present, to do the stress release for her. I put her friend in Surrogation and she performed the balance (Surrogation is a sacred ritual that is being taught in PSYCH-K Advanced course). She did the Resolution Balance successfully and the woman who was raped reported no more stress or charge.

Eliminate Stress With PSYCH-K

The PSYCH-K Stress Release process is an effective, deep and fast way to transform stress. You do it once for each source stress, and the stress is gone forever. It can be used for any type of past stress, healing anything from phobias and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder to experiences we have had as children or adults. It can help to remove stress in work, relationships and business, and can reduce worry about future stress such as delivering a baby or attending an important meeting.

The more you perform this process, the lighter you will feel. You will drop unwanted baggage and feel better and happier.

To learn more about PSYCH-K, visit and find a workshop in your area. You can also hold a session with a facilitator in person or over Skype.