Lack Consciousness is the misconception that the universe is limited.
Most people live with this feeling in some form. Some experience it with money. Some with food. Others with love but it can affect anything. They walk around feeling that they can’t have what they want because there is simply not enough to go around.
They’re wrong.
Where Does Lack Consciousness Come From?

We might have experienced famine or lack of love in a previous lifetime
Lack Consciousness has deep roots. We might have experienced famine or lack of love in a previous lifetime. Our ancestors could have been low-caste and always felt there was not enough.
Lifetimes after lifetimes of feeling lack in its many forms will keep that feeling manifesting itself within us.
We are born to parents who feel lack, and we carry it forward to our children — unless we consciously shift it.
How Does Lack Consciousness Present Itself?
Lack Consciousness is not always obvious. Sometimes it hides in a disguise of negative emotions or unexplainable manifestations. But if you pay attention to these negative emotions and analyze them, you will often find that the real issue is Lack Consciousness.

You feel that you don’t have enough now so if you spend the money you do have, you’ll have even less tomorrow.
Lack Consciousness With Money
A common form of Lack Consciousness concerns money. You feel that you don’t have enough now so if you spend the money you do have, you’ll have even less tomorrow.
So you don’t tip the waiter because you’re counting every penny.
You buy cheap furniture or compromise on quality because you feel you don’t have enough and that you can’t afford better. You hold on to your money because you feel you have limits.

You eat even if you’re not hungry because you are afraid the food won’t be there later
Lack Consciousness With Food
Another common problem is Lack Consciousness with food. You eat even if you’re not hungry because you are afraid the food won’t be there later. You overeat because you don’t want to waste anything; if you do, someone else will take it and you will starve. So you stuff yourself until you feel discomfort.
Lack Consciousness With Love

Single women feel that “all the good men are taken.” Or they believe that after a certain age it’s much harder to meet someone
This is one that almost everyone can relate to at some point in their lives. Single women feel that “all the good men are taken.” Or they believe that after a certain age it’s much harder to meet someone. Or they feel that they have to settle for someone who is not quite what they want.
Or they might fall in love with someone who can’t love them back and feel that this is the end, they will never fall in love again because love is limited to just one chance — and when it’s gone, it’s gone.
All these thoughts indicate you have a strong lack consciousness in the area of love and relationships.
Lack Is An Illusion
There is no lack. The universe expands constantly in reaction to the asking. The bigger the asking, the bigger the expansion.
Abraham-Hicks said it best:
“If someone is not receiving what they are asking for, it is not because there is a shortage of resources; it can only be that the person holding the desire is out of alignment with their own request. There is no shortage. There is no lack. There is no competition for resources. There is only the allowing or the disallowing of that which you are asking for.“
How To Shift Lack Consciousness
Lack Consciousness is simply another form of energy or vibration. It can be moved and healed by giving the piece of you that feels lack exactly what it wants. That is always the same thing: unconditional love, the purest and most powerful vibration in existence. I’ve written before about this in the Piece Alignment Process. Simply locate that Lack Consciousness piece in your body and tell it:
“I see you there.
I feel how you feel.
I love you no matter what”
While healing and shifting negative emotions with the Piece Alignment Process can be quick – anywhere from five minutes to an hour-and-a-half — you may find that shifting Lack Consciousness takes longer. It may require days and even weeks of “working on it” for ten to fifteen minutes every day. (You can do it just after you wake up and just before you go to sleep). The key is not try to make this piece go away but rather to acknowledge it, to let it know you’re there, that you’re aware of it, and that you love it unconditionally.
It is absolutely worth taking the time to heal this piece.
If you don’t feel lack, you can manifest anything and everything you want.
Why Is Lack Consciousness Harder To Shift?
The older and more ingrained the vibration, the harder it is to move. If you’ve just been angry, the piece is new and unrooted. It’s easy to shift. A Lack Consciousness that has been present for thousands of years is integrated into our beings.
I found that I can feel a shift in Lack Consciousness in a few days. Complete healing though takes longer. I start and end my day with the healing process.
How To Speed Up The Healing Process
If a few weeks feels like forever, you can get results much faster.
Become ultra-aware of how you feel throughout the day. Every time that feeling of lack (in any of its forms) pops up, close your eyes, find that piece in your emotional body and tell it: “I see you there. I feel how you feel and I love you no matter what.” Say it again and again until the discomfort dissipates. Do it throughout the day and you will not only feel better than if you had let negative thoughts spiral out of control, as most people do, but you’ll also speed up the healing process of the Lack Consciousness piece.
Heal Yourself, Heal The World
Lack Consciousness can be found everywhere in our society and our culture. With more awareness we can shift it on an individual level — and on the level of mass consciousness as well because every time we raise our own vibration, it has a ripple effect on the entire universe.
Take the time, make the shift, and wait for miracles to happen.
Great topic! Greed has been helpful in evolutionary terms, but now our technological scale means that greed will lead to the destruction of all we that love. Helping our entire species to be satisfied with enough is a massive, but important challenge.
I am really going to try this. I know lack doesn’t exist but I can’t seem to get to the feeling place with it. thanks for sharing.