When crisis hits, we tend to reach out to friends and family. But we can also reach out to our best ally, the one person who we know for certain cares about us.
Overcoming Crisis by Becoming Your Own Best Friend
There are times when we feel so down that none of the processes in our Spiritual Toolbox work. You try a Focus Wheel and you can’t even start it. You try The Piece Alignment Process and nothing shifts.
It happens, and when it does, there is a process that works miracles. It’s a strange one but I’ve used it many times and it works like magic.
You Are Your Own Best Friend
No matter how many good friends and close family members you have, there will always be times when you’re alone — not just physically alone but also emotionally alone. You feel as though nobody can understand where you are and that if you try to explain to a friend, even a good one, they’ll just roll their eyes and tell you to get over it.
You know that feeling, right?
That’s the time when you turn to the one person who is always there for you: you.
When crisis hits, we tend to reach out to friends and family. But we can also reach out to our best ally, the one person who we know for certain cares about us.
How Does It Work?
Sit in front of your computer and turn on your webcam. You don’t need to record anything; just start talking!
Talk to yourself as though you are your own best friend (which you are, right?). Consult with yourself. Ask and answer questions. Brainstorm with yourself. Get everything out. Cry if you want. Strategize your next moves and give yourself words of encouragement.
Be a friend.
It’s Like Taking The Trash Out
If you’re sitting at home with your depressing thoughts and focusing on everything that’s gone wrong, all these thoughts will pile up in your head and not only make you feel worse, but also create your future reality from that point of attraction. That’s not good.
When you talk (and talk and talk) to yourself, it’s like taking — or talking — your mental trash out. You make room for new, more cheerful thoughts.
Don’t Worry About The Content Of Your Thoughts Or How Long It Takes
This is not an exercise in positive thinking. It’s about being a friend to yourself and just letting you talk to clear your head. The longer you talk, the better you’re going to feel.
If the crisis is big, you may find yourself talking with yourself on camera for two or three hours at a time. I did that for a whole month last year when I was in a serious crisis. No friend, no matter how much they care about you, would be able to put up with so much talking. That’s why it’s just perfect that you talk to yourself without bothering anyone. You can talk as long as you want without worrying that you are repeating yourself, boring the other person or depressing them.
The Result? A Clear Mind
After each talk like that, you can expect to feel better, happier and more aligned. You may reach higher enough in your vibration that you can do other processes like The Focus Wheel, to clean up those things that still bother you.
Moving On From The Crisis
You may find that you like this process so much that you find yourself self-talking even when you’re feeling just fine. In this case, you can talk about all the good things that are happening in your life, give yourself a few compliments, or even do a Reality Check Process. Either way, you’re going to feel great, so put a big smile on your face, say “Hello beautiful” to your image and start talking!