Mar 25, 2019 | PSYCH-K | 7,530 views
The following information is for PSYCH-K facilitators only (sign up to a Basic PSYCH-K course here). PSYCH-K is a protocol-based framework. Everything you do requires permission from your high-conscious and commitment from your subconscious. This ensures that you...
Mar 24, 2019 | PSYCH-K | 5,444 views
I’m a certified PSYCH-K facilitator. I’ve taken all their courses, practiced on myself and helped dozens of others. I have my own way of performing PSYCH-K which focuses mainly on clearing stress and trauma, the source of most of our issues, including limiting belief...
Feb 5, 2018 | Health, PSYCH-K, Spiritual Processes | 4,823 views
A few weeks ago, I took a road trip with my friend Anna*. As we were traveling, she had a complete meltdown. She became upset about things we had no control over, acted out and behaved like a child. Even before that weekend, she would occasionally burst into tears...
Jan 25, 2018 | Spiritual Processes, Vibration | 9,104 views
I have a good friend who can’t stand her mom. When she was growing up, her mom was abusive and hyper-critical. For my friend, life meant constantly walking on eggshells, watching everything she said and did because she didn’t know when her mom was going to snap next....
Nov 4, 2015 | PSYCH-K, Spiritual Processes | 33,425 views
Stress has a huge influence on our well-being, our physical health and our mental health. It makes us look and feel older—and there’s even a direct connection between stress and cancer. We should be doing whatever we can to eliminate stress. A few of the processes...
Nov 4, 2015 | PSYCH-K, Spiritual Processes | 89,699 views
Every once in a while, I stumble on (or attract) new information that blows me away. When I watched “The Secret Behind The Secret,” which was the first time I ever saw Abraham-Hicks speak, my jaw dropped. I knew that this knowledge was going to transform my life....
Nov 4, 2015 | Spiritual Processes, Vibration | 26,909 views
The Law of Attraction states that how you vibrate becomes your point of attraction. Because that point of attraction determines what and who you will attract into your life, you need to learn how to master your vibration. In this post, I will explain how to control...
Mar 21, 2015 | Spiritual Processes | 14,338 views
As an avid Abraham-Hicks student, I’ve heard them say again and again that if we want a new reality, we have to tell a different story. “You have to begin to tell the story of your life as you now want it to be and discontinue the tales of how it has been or of how it...
Mar 21, 2015 | Spiritual Processes | 32,031 views
Almost every process I describe in this blog comes down to one thing: focus. Focus is what creates manifestation. Everything you see around you was because someone at some point, focused long enough to make it manifest. The earth, the planets, everything....
Mar 21, 2015 | Spiritual Processes | 13,592 views
Overcoming Crisis by Becoming Your Own Best Friend There are times when we feel so down that none of the processes in our Spiritual Toolbox work. You try a Focus Wheel and you can’t even start it. You try The Piece Alignment Process and nothing shifts. It happens, and...
Dec 29, 2014 | Spiritual Processes | 28,557 views
Pre-paving is mental planning. It’s a hugely effective and simple process, presented by Abraham-Hicks, that increases the chances of an event going the way you want. I use it often and highly recommend it. It works close to 100 percent of the time! Pre-Paving Is More...
Dec 29, 2014 | Health, Spiritual Processes | 33,992 views
I realize this may be a touchy subject. So many people are affected by cancer, either directly or through friends and family who have suffered from it. Cancer kills fewer people than heart disease but it generates a lot more fear. Why Is Cancer So Scary? It’s not just...
Dec 29, 2014 | Spiritual Processes, Vibration | 31,201 views
Whenever we think someone has done us wrong, our first response is usually blame. It’s easier and feels better than taking responsibility. Blame is higher in the Emotional Scale given to us by Abraham-Hicks than responsibility and even anger. It’s our first stop when...
Jul 8, 2014 | Spiritual Processes | 19,084 views
Hot buttons, also known as “triggers,” are those pieces in us that react to people or situations in a less than favorable way. If we are not aware of them (or if we are aware of them but don’t take the time to neutralize them) they can make us miserable and affect our...
Jun 30, 2014 | Spiritual Processes | 13,079 views
Lots of singles have a list of parameters they’d like to see in their future mate. The older you get, the longer the list and there’s nothing wrong with that. Experience teaches us what we want and what we don’t want in a mate. Would You Recognize The One When They...
Jun 30, 2014 | Spiritual Processes | 163,105 views
During my spiritual journey I’ve heard the term “opening the heart” again and again. One friend would tell me I should “open my heart” every time I saw him, and each time, my eyes would glaze over. I had no clue what he was talking about. I’m pretty pragmatic and I...
Jun 23, 2014 | Spiritual Processes | 25,345 views
Spirituality has a purpose. It is not here to entertain us or to give us something to talk about over dinner. Its purpose is to improve our lives. That doesn’t happen overnight. I meet a lot of spiritual seekers who are so excited about their spiritual path that they...
Jun 16, 2014 | Spiritual Processes | 18,731 views
As an avid spiritual seeker, I sometimes find myself stuck. I want to move forward on my spiritual journey but I am not sure what my next step is or how to address a certain issue. I sometimes don’t see the issue clearly or don’t have enough information about it. So...
Jun 9, 2014 | Health, Spiritual Processes | 25,043 views
How much food do we really need to live? Not as much as we think. Most of us eat a lot more than what we really need. The result isn’t just weight gain and low self-esteem. Overeating also causes some serious health issues including high blood pressure and diabetes....
Jun 4, 2014 | Spiritual Processes | 17,646 views
Lack Consciousness is the misconception that the universe is limited. Most people live with this feeling in some form. Some experience it with money. Some with food. Others with love but it can affect anything. They walk around feeling that they can’t have what they...