Jan 25, 2018 | Spiritual Processes, Vibration | 9,105 views
I have a good friend who can’t stand her mom. When she was growing up, her mom was abusive and hyper-critical. For my friend, life meant constantly walking on eggshells, watching everything she said and did because she didn’t know when her mom was going to snap next....
Nov 4, 2015 | Spiritual Processes, Vibration | 26,909 views
The Law of Attraction states that how you vibrate becomes your point of attraction. Because that point of attraction determines what and who you will attract into your life, you need to learn how to master your vibration. In this post, I will explain how to control...
Dec 29, 2014 | Spiritual Processes, Vibration | 31,201 views
Whenever we think someone has done us wrong, our first response is usually blame. It’s easier and feels better than taking responsibility. Blame is higher in the Emotional Scale given to us by Abraham-Hicks than responsibility and even anger. It’s our first stop when...