As an avid Abraham-Hicks student, I’ve heard them say again and again that if we want a new reality, we have to tell a different story.
“You have to begin to tell the story of your life as you now want it to be and discontinue the tales of how it has been or of how it is.” ~ Abraham-Hicks
“As you imagine and visualize and verbalize your new story, in time you will believe the new story, and when that happens, the evidence will flow swiftly into your experience. A belief is only a thought you continue to think; and when your beliefs match your desires, then your desires must become your reality. “ ~ Abraham-Hicks
So years ago, I came up with a process I called “Reality Check.” Other people use a similar process and call it different names.
Whatever you call it, it’s a powerful and profound process that will not only put a huge grin on your face, it will dramatically raise your vibration to a much higher point and change your point of attraction.
So How Does It Work?
The idea is to talk about your life the way you want it to be, as though you’re already there. It’s a bit like “fake it till you make it” but in words, not action.
You can do this alone, in front of your webcam, so that you can see and hear yourself talk but you can also do it with a friend. When your friend asks questions, your story feels even more real and alive.
Tell Your Story
When you do a Reality Check, you can focus on a bunch of different aspects of your life. Here are some ideas:
- Where you live.
- How much money you earn.
- Your romantic relationship.
- Your children.
- How your body feels.
Go Into Detail
Use as much detail as you can. If things start to feel a little uncomfortable then wind back a bit. If you talk about your amazing partner, for example, you might describe his blue eyes or her caring nature but coming up with a name can feel a bit much. So give details as long as it feels good and when it’s too much – back off.
Be Interviewed
If you’re doing a Reality Check with a friend, invite them to ask you questions as though you were close friends catching up after not seeing each other for years — the kind of friends who tell each other everything. For example, if you say you have a successful business, your friend could ask you about your monthly revenue or the size of your pool or the number of laps you do each morning. Those details will bring your story to life.
Keep It Positive
There is a risk during a Reality Check that you’ll drift away from where you’re going to where you’re coming from. You might start by describing your future beautiful house but soon begin complaining about your current awful apartment: “My house is amazing! It’s quiet and comfortable, right on the beach (positive), so much better than that awful apartment with the noisy neighbors I had before (negative)”
Going in a positive direction and a negative direction doesn’t work; they cancel each other out. In order to enjoy the power of the focus, the same power that creates worlds, your story must stay focused on the positive direction only. Ask your friend to re-direct you if you start drifting off-track.
Five Minutes? Thirty Minutes? It’s Up To You
A Reality Check can take as long as you want. Five minutes is fine but the longer you talk, the more momentum you’ll gather.
Telling A New Story Can Be A Challenge
If you are used to talking about your difficulties in life, you may find this process challenging at first. The positive thoughts about your life will be less accessible to you. But you’ll soon get the hang of it and start having fun.
Done? Now Switch
If you’re doing a Reality Check with a friend, take turns to talk and ask questions. Be sure to ask questions that guide and stimulate them, and encourage your friend with comments that show your enthusiasm, like: “Yeah, I saw you on Oprah talking about your new book, you were amazing!”
And of course, make sure they focus only on a direction that’s positive and delivers good feelings.
Reality Check Yourself

You don’t have to wait for a friend to do a Reality Check. Just open your computer, turn on your webcam and start talking
You don’t have to wait for a friend to do a Reality Check. Just open your computer, turn on your webcam and start talking. You don’t even need to record it. It’s almost as effective — and you can talk as long as you like.
Smile, It Worked!
If you have a smile on your face at the end of this process, you know you’ve done something good for yourself. You’ve raised your vibration and aligned yourself with a higher frequency that will yield a higher frequency manifestation.
Check Yourself Often
Perform a Reality Check as often as you can. If it starts to get boring, either for yourself or for others, make it bigger, better, with more details.
Throw Reality Check Parties!

Why don’t you invite some friends to a real party, a Reality Check party, where everybody discusses the life they want to have. It will be a party to remember!
You know those boring parties or potluck where people talk about celebrities, sports, the weather and their problems? Yawn. Why don’t you invite some friends to a real party, a Reality Check party, where everybody discusses the life they want to have. It will be a party to remember!
My Recent Reality Check Experience
Recently I did a Reality Check with two friends over breakfast, and while I was talking and answering some really good questions, I came up with a bunch of new goals that really got me excited. I won’t get into the details but it really put some fire into me regarding my practical spirituality work that wouldn’t have happened without the Reality Check!
So give it a try. You’ll have fun, raise your vibration and only good can come out of it.
“You are the only one who creates in your experience – no one else. Everything that comes to you comes by the power of your thought. If there are changes you would like to make, it will be of great value to begin telling a different story – not only about your body, but about all subjects that have been troubling to you. As you begin to positively focus, getting to feel so good about so many subjects, you will begin to feel the power that creates worlds flowing through you.” ~ Abraham-Hicks
I love love love this!!!!! I’m smiling already and Im just starting. Thank ou
This is great! I love the party idea! What a fab way to get a massive co-creating energy blast going! I really appreciate your focus wheel too. I am new to Abraham and it helped to have a visual for it. Thank you, thank you!